
Wellness Week at Middlesex

September 20-26 is Wellness Week at Middlesex!  Check out the schedule to see what aspects of health and wellness our students will be addressing during September’s Wellness Week. Sunday, September 20 – Sunday’s Sleep Challenge.  Get eight hours of sleep any night of Wellness Week and get a prize that supports sleep hygiene.   Monday, September 21 – Unplugged Monday.  Take a technology holiday!  Unplug…

From Boarding School to Roller Derby: Blake MX’03 Rolls Toward Adventure

Blake Eden ‘03 has always been adventurous, seeking new experiences from a young age. She came to MX as a new junior and notes “the whole experience of boarding school was kind of a novelty throughout my time.” Although Blake only had two years to forge the friendships other students had four years to foster, one would never know it…

Ask Me 2015!

When new students arrive, Middlesex upperclassmen wearing t-shirts emblazoned with the invitation “Ask Me!” are stationed on the steps of Eliot Hall, ready to welcome new families.  Ask Me kids swarm around like bees (except they don’t sting), taking new families through registration, unloading carloads of boxes, running up and down stairs, and setting up dorm rooms.  In the dorm,…

In the Gallery: Between You and Me

Middlesex School Cornelius Ayer Wood Gallery September – November 2015 Between You and Me Brad Nelson and Lucy Beecher Nelson   In this exhibition, husband and wife painters question the nature of relationships. For Beecher Nelson, the theme is immediately apparent; her diptychs use 15th century Italian marriage portraits as a departure point for contemporary couples to explore the nature of…

Introducing New Faculty

In addition to all the new students who joined the community in September, Middlesex welcomed eight new faculty members to the School. A graduate of Phillips Academy and MIT, Jasmin Baek brings her understanding of adolescents and schools to the Admissions Office. After serving as an educational consultant in Korea for nearly three years, she earned her Ed.M. at Harvard…

test 9.8.15 d7

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Summer Adventures of Students and Faculty

Middlesex students and faculty participated in a diverse array of summer adventures, from playing music to dancing, flying, building, competing, and everything in between.  Below are a few stories from our community about their summer adventures. Even though Sophie ’16 received her pilot’s license last summer, this summer was the first time she took her dad up flying:Middlesex oarsman Daniel ’17…

Athletic Trainer’s Corner: A Message for Parents

Middlesex School has had the services of a Certified Athletic Trainer on staff since 1985. What does that mean for your child(ren)? Athletic Trainers help prevent and treat injuries for people who are physically active. Recognized by the American Medical Association as allied health professionals, athletic trainers specialize in the prevention, assessment, immediate care, and rehabilitation of injuries that result…