Ask Me 2015!

When new students arrive, Middlesex upperclassmen wearing t-shirts emblazoned with the invitation “Ask Me!” are stationed on the steps of Eliot Hall, ready to welcome new families.  Ask Me kids swarm around like bees (except they don’t sting), taking new families through registration, unloading carloads of boxes, running up and down stairs, and setting up dorm rooms.  In the dorm, Ask Me kids arrange dorm furniture in creative ways to fashion the most spacious room possible.  Usually one hears, “My friend had this room!   Here’s the best way to set it up….”  This tradition has been around for over 20 years, and there’s no question that Ask Me kids are unforgettable.  

On your first day as a Middlesex student, you learn a little something about the way we do things here:  someone is always ready and willing to lend a helping hand.  If you need anything, just ask!