Advising Program
Faculty advisors at Middlesex are like life coaches. They are expert academic counselors, listeners, mediators, sympathizers, and cheerleaders – all in one. All students are assigned an advisor when they begin at Middlesex, and often stay with that advisor through graduation.
Writing Workshop
Our renowned Writing Workshop program ensures that every student acquires a strong foundation in writing that they will rely on at Middlesex and beyond.
Mindfulness can be summed up as "inner education", and at Middlesex every student takes a course in mindfulness to help them become more aware of their attention, thoughts, senses, feelings, and emotions.
Chapel Program
As one of the cardinal points on our Circle, the Chapel is one of the most beloved and significant places on campus. The Chapel Program, based in the non-sectarian tradition of the School, gives voice both to student and adult perspectives on life’s promise and purpose.
A Place to Discover Your Talents
Support to Help You Thrive
Our advising program ensures that each student is matched with a faculty member who knows and guides them in all aspects of school life. The Advising Program helps ensure that each student succeeds in the full sense of the word, helping students navigate all aspects of Middlesex life (and often beyond).
Writing Excellence for Every Student
Our students achieve writing excellence largely through our Sophomore Writing Workshop, a weekly seminar aimed at mastery of expository composition. Through weekly writing assignments, interactive plenary sessions, and one-on-one feedback, our students learn how to compose carefully constructed paragraphs that form the basis of eloquent, organized essays.
Be Here. Be Now.
All Middlesex students learn mindfulness exercises to train and stabilize their attention, as well as how to relate skillfully to emotions, feelings, and thoughts. Feedback from students has been overwhelmingly positive; according to student feedback 97% have said they would recommend the course to others. Students report that the course helped them sleep better, concentrate on schoolwork, reduce stress, stay relaxed, focus in sports, and improve relationships with themselves and others
Exploring Life's Promise and Purpose
Middlesex is one of the few non-sectarian high schools in the country with a mindfulness program and weekly chapel gatherings, which is evidence of our respect for and interest in the essential elements of human life. We certainly care about academic growth (and athletic growth, and artistic growth) and we also care about our students’ growth as a person: their character, values, health, happiness, and sense of purpose in the world. We want to educate our students’ hearts as well as their minds, and we want our graduates to do good in addition to doing well
A Place to Excel
A small school with big opportunities, Middlesex offers the faculty, programs, and facilities needed to achieve your highest aspirations. Click on each figure to learn more!
Students per class, on average.
Advanced Placement Courses
Countries represented by our student body
Different sports offered
Acres of idyllic campus
Percent of seniors accepted into 1st choice college
Arts courses offered
Miles from Boston
Students per class, on average
Our 4:1 student-faculty ratio ensures every Middlesex feels truly known and supported.
Advanced Placement Courses
Middlesex students average a 3.9 score across 730 completed AP tests last May.
Countries represented by our student body
With 5 continents, 22 countries, and 30 US states across our student body, Middlesex is truly a global campus.
Different sports offered
Whether a complete beginner or a varsity athlete with Division I college aspirations, there's a team for you at Middlesex.
Acres of idyllic campus
State-of-the-art facilities to learn, live, and play in, a 26-acre pond to row, fish, and skate on, and miles upon miles of forest trails to explore.
Percent of seniors accepted into 1st choice college
86 percent of graduates from the Middlesex Class of 2023 were admitted into one of their top-five college choices.
Arts courses offered
Working professional artists themselves, our arts teachers are ready to inspire and mentor you, whether a novice or expert in the craft.
Miles from Boston
An energetic hub of history, education, art, entertainment, and sports, less than an hour drive away.
A Place to Discover Yourself
Middlesex students are never one-dimensional, and it is the School's mission to provide the opportunities, support, and inspiration to explore--or discover--the wealth of talent and potential within you.
A Place to Connect
Follow @middlesexschool on Instagram for a behind-the-scenes look at student life, events, and the vibrant community that makes Middlesex, Middlesex!