Wellness Week at Middlesex

September 20-26 is Wellness Week at Middlesex!  Check out the schedule to see what aspects of health and wellness our students will be addressing during September’s Wellness Week.

Sunday, September 20 – Sunday’s Sleep Challenge.  Get eight hours of sleep any night of Wellness Week and get a prize that supports sleep hygiene.  

Monday, September 21 – Unplugged Monday.  Take a technology holiday!  Unplug for the day and see how technology detracts or enhances overall wellness.

Tuesday, September 22 – Humor Tuesday.  Learn how laughter and humor improves overall health.

Wednesday, September 23 – Love your Body Wednesday. Learn about how media portrayals of body image support and promote body dissatisfaction. 

Thursday, September 24 – The Good Food Revolution.  Will Allen, the author of the All-School Read, will be coming to speak.  Mill City Grows, a local organization working on healthy food access for urban populations, will be on campus to discuss their work.  Pictured above is the Middlesex garden.  

Friday, September 25 – Gratitude Friday.  Focus on gratitude for the day and see how good you feel! 

Saturday, September 26 – What’s love got to do with it?  Rick Weissbourd, Senior Lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and author of The Parents We Mean to Be, will be speaking to students about their understanding of the role of love and intimacy in their lives.  Workshops:  After Mr. Weissboard’s talk, students will be able to pick from over 25 possible workshops on a wide variety of health and wellness topics, from yoga to healthy cooking to fostering positive communication or healthy competition.