Goldilocks and the Three Pigs Charms Kids of All Ages

The children’s play, now in its sixth year, has become a winter tradition at Middlesex, attracting and delighting children of all ages while raising money for the Linawo Children’s Home in Cape Town, South Africa.  This year’s show, Goldilocks and the Three Pigs, directed by DJ Williams ’16, was full of mayhem, confusion, energy, humor, and adventure.  The show raised over fifteen hundred dollars for the Linawo Children’s Home, a home for abandoned or neglected children in the Cape Town area of South Africa. Over thirty Middlesex students have volunteered at the home between 2009 and 2014.  The funds raised will support clothing, food, school supplies and other basic needs of the children.

Pork Chop: Eric Gourdon ’16
Curly Chop: Julian Parker ’18
Fuzzy Chop:  Julian Blatt ’17
Rose Hips Squeal: Isabella Espenilla ’19
Patti Squeal: Hadley Jevon ’19
Laverne Squeal: Amelia McKenna ’19
Goldilocks: Pennie Gould ’17
Storyteller:  Sarah McCluskey ’18
Witch Wanda:  Lucy Hirsch ’18
Sandy Witch: Valentina Garcia ’17
Wolf:  Haper Robbins ’17
Weasel: Dereck Marmolejos ’18
Chad: Diego Flores ’19
Little Red: Maggie Chamberlain ’19
Wood Nymphs: Emily Yu ’18, Katie Powers ’18, Darilex Almonte ’17, Chidilim Menakaya ’19
Director: DJ Williams ’16
Stage Manager: Adam Assarian ’17
Sound board operator: Luke Giacolone ’18
Light board operator: Hyun Choi ’17
Hair and make-up:  Hannah Beerman ’16