MX Virtual Family Weekend

Parents’ Weekend becomes
Family Weekend becomes
Virtual Family Weekend.
October 16-17, 2020

Parents’ Weekend has traditionally been a highly anticipated, exciting weekend that allows parents an opportunity to catch up with their student(s) and get a sense of their day-to-day life here at Middlesex. Over the years we had always extended an informal invitation to siblings and some extended family members, and so we thought it was more accurate to change the name Parents’ Weekend to Family Weekend. We thought that was THE big change.

And then came Covid-19.

Due to the various restrictions and recommendations regarding in-person gatherings, plus out of a concern for maintaining the health and safety of all members of our campus community, this year we will be hosting MX Virtual Family Weekend 2020! It is our hope that this new online platform will provide you with keen insight into the school’s hybrid model of learning and living.

Although this is far from our idea of an ideal gathering, we do think that this virtual format opens up opportunities for unique programming and alternative points of connection.

Here’s the MX Virtual Family Weekend schedule.  More details will follow.  We look forward to seeing you all!