Community Service Day 2017

On Monday September 25th, our annual Community Service Day allowed both students and faculty to provide a day of service to the surrounding community.  While sophomores bonded on their class retreat and seniors visited colleges or worked on applications, the rest of the school spread across the state in small teams comprised of students and faculty.

Several groups enjoyed the unseasonably warm and sunny weather as they planted, harvested, weeded, and tended the land of local farms and parks.  Other teams volunteered at a homeless shelter for women, Habitat for Humanity, a meal center, and a retirement home. Closer to home, a team took a short walk across Lowell Road to The Children’s Meetinghouse, where they helped the preschool with outdoor and indoor cleanup.  Even our own backyard benefitted from the spirit of Community Service Day, as an enthusiastic crews worked in the Middlesex Garden.

A total of 259 students and faculty participated at 14 organizations in a rewarding day that was diligently organized and executed by Pascale Musto and Paul Torres, our community service program leaders, and the senior Community Service Officers.  The School provided 700 hours of volunteer work to the community!

View a gallery of the day here!