The aesthetic and academic experience of Visual Arts at Middlesex begins freshman and sophomore year with classes in drawing and art history. From there, our artists have the opportunity to develop their own portfolios, take A.P Studio Art, and share their work in exhibition in the Ishibashi Gallery.
We provide our students with a course selection deep enough to tap any well of creativity with classes in drawing, painting, photography and mixed media. We also offer digital photography for the technologically-inclined, installation art for our big thinkers, and sculpture for those who love getting their hands on their work. In addition, we frequently utilize the phenomenal resources of the greater Boston area, whether we visit the art or the artists visit us.
Most importantly, though, we offer students the freedom and space to explore their artistic visions. Whether drawing in the studio at night or taking a weekend photography expedition to Boston, we support our students to pursue projects both independently and in collaboration with teachers –all of whom are working artists pursuing their own creative visions.