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Alumni Weekend

People at reunion party smiling
Two people under the alumni tent smiling for a photo
Bessie Speers with Duane, Hunter, and Alex smiling for camera
Women's crew team being inducted into the hall of fame
Ned Herter and friends smiling under alumni tent
Class of 84 group photo at alumni weekend
Alumni from class of 19 taking a photo on the circle
3 men from class of 69 holding flag

April 25 & 26, 2025

If you graduated in a year ending in 0 or 5, then this is your reunion year!*

Please mark your calendars for April 25 & 26 to join your friends and classmates for what will be a joyous two-day celebration.

Yes – Alumni Weekend is a little bit earlier this year, but we will be fully prepared for your arrival.  Spring will have sprung and the campus will be in full bloom.  The weekend will include class gatherings, campus tours, canoeing, athletic competitions, and a lot of fun under the Alumni Weekend tent with classmates, old friends, and MX faculty.

Preparations for this wonderful weekend are underway.  If you would like to help us rally your classmates, please email us at, and we will connect you with a contact in the Alumni Office.

* All members of our Old Guard are invited back for every Alumni Weekend.  If you graduated in 1974 or earlier, please consider joining us for reunion festivities.

View the video below for highlight’s of last spring’s Alumni Weekend!


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