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Course Catalog

Course Descriptions



Students entering Class IV must enroll in one Elements of Style course (Art 11, 12M or 12E, 13 or 14) each semester. These four courses may be taken in any order, but all four must be completed by the end of a student’s Class III year. Members of Class IV may enroll in additional full-credit Arts Division courses only with the permission of the Academic Office. Chorus and/or Studio Music may be taken in addition to the required curriculum without such permission.


Returning members of Class III must complete their requirements in Elements of Style (Art 11, 12M or 12E, 13 or 14) by taking those courses not taken during their Class IV year. New students in Class III must enroll in one Elements of Style course (Art 11, 12M or 12E, 13 or 14) each semester. Students may enroll in additional full-credit Arts Division courses only with the permission of the Academic Office. Chorus and/or Studio Music may be taken in addition to the required curriculum without such permission.


Members of Classes I and II must satisfy their distributional requirement in the arts during their last two years by one of the following methods:

  1. taking two half-credit courses in the Division. (Space may be available in Art 11, 12M or 12E, 13 or 14, but only after Class IV and III enrollment is complete.)
  2. taking one full-credit course in the Division.
  3. regular participation in the Chapel Chorus for two full years with no academic credit.
  4. regular participation in the Small Chorus or SWAG for one full year with no academic credit.
  5. regular participation in Studio Music for two individual semesters (do not have to be consecutive) with no academic credit.
  6. taking a major role in a full-length play or musical with no academic credit.
  7. taking a supporting role in two full-length plays or musicals with no academic credit.
  8. directing or taking a role in two one-act productions.
  9. serving on the production/running crew of two full-length plays or musicals.

As a nonacademic diploma requirement, students in Class I must design and carve a plaque for permanent display at the School. The scheduling of woodcarving classes will be arranged at the beginning of the year.