Map Points
Middlesex School
1400 Lowell Road
Concord, MA 01742
From Boston
Massachusetts Turnpike (Route 90) west to Route 128/95 north to Exit 29B and on to Route 2 west (Acton/Fitchburg) to second stop light; straight through the light and follow sign to Concord center; proceed straight to the Colonial Inn; take a quick left and then quick right around Inn into Lowell Road; school gate approximately 2.7 miles on right.
From T.F. Green Airport in Providence, RI
When exiting the airport follow signs for Route 95 North. Proceed on Route 95 north to Route 2 west Exit 29B; continue with the directions above.
From New York and the West
Massachusetts Turnpike (Route 90) east to Route 290 northeast to Route 495 north to Route 2; Route 2 east to Rotary; third exit off Rotary (Carlisle) onto Barrett’s Mill Road and follow to blinking red light (Lowell Road); left on Lowell Road; school gate is approximately 1 mile on right.
Driving Distances
Concord Center to Middlesex: 3 miles
Boston to Concord: 19 miles
Providence to Boston: 46 miles
New York to Boston: 204 miles
Hartford to Boston: 98 miles
Philadelphia to Boston: 300 miles
Route 495 to Middlesex: approximately 10 miles